• May 2025 (Estimated)

    A special session will be scheduled for the MYC Membership Vote to move forward on the project. The date and time will be communicated to MYC members.


    Fundraising conversations with stakeholders are taking place to assess the feasibility of our goal and seek funding commitments. 

  • MARCH 10, 2025

    Future Finance Committee

    • We’ve developed a financial model for analyzing the effects of the anticipated cost and revenue changes.

    • We are awaiting more finalized building plans so we can hone our energy and insurance cost estimates.

    • We’re interviewing leaders of other clubs that have had similar projects, gathering data and insight to help MYC & LMSS as they plan for 2027 and beyond.

    • Once these interviews are complete, we’ll further develop our financial projections, and present them to the Steering Committee. 

    Building Committee

    • The Landscape Architect and team are working on the exterior plan and have visited the island with Ben Burgum to learn how MYC and LMSS can use every corner of the island.

    • The survey team will be on the island 3/11, gathering some additional needed details.

    • A progress schematic set for the LHI project was completed 3/7 and sent to Engelsma for another step toward the big picture bid. This is to give us an idea of the pricing for the project, before a more detailed set goes out to contractors for bidding.

    • We’re focusing on gathering the details on Geothermal heating, cooling, and solar options. This continues to be exciting with the possibilities for green energy.

    • We’re working on the interior details for each room including furniture and finishes.

  • February 8, 2025

    Concept three was created to address the additional concerns of members (such as green space, boat storage, maximizing views, and more). The Steering Committee approved Design Concept three for further development. 

  • January 22, 2025

    After analyzing survey responses and reviewing feedback from listening sessions, a new design concept was created to address the findings. Design concept two was presented via Zoom meeting with MYC Membership. During the discussion, it became clear that a third concept was needed.

  • December 20, 2024

    A Pre-Development Agreement was signed by MYC, LMSS, and the MYC Foundation. This document established and outlined the budget, goals, and roles of the project.

  • November 15, 2024

    To ensure members’ views shape the direction, a survey was created to collect feedback. In addition to MYC member surveys, feedback and listening sessions were completed.

  • November 11, 2024

    Recognizing the breadth of work this project would entail, five committees formed and volunteers sought - Steering, Building, Fundraising, Future Org Structure, and Future Finance Committees formalized with a total of 33 staff and volunteers.

  • September 28, 2024

    The Lighthouse Island Development Project was announced, and the first design concepts were shown at the MYC annual meeting. Initial feedback from leadership and members was extremely positive, and further development of the plan and concept was encouraged. 

  • JULY 1, 2024

    To address LMSS's growth and success and the need for new facilities, four current and past leaders began meeting, which led to hiring Momentum Design Group to explore building options on Lighthouse Island. Weekly meetings were held to investigate options, and initial design concepts were developed.